Example of changes:
The Farquhar model tested and developed.
New empirical model for drip irrigation
New switches in Irrigate are:
(1) Dripper that implies that water is applied from a container to the soil when on. The area affected is given by the parameter DrippIrrigCover and the rate of application is given by the parameter DrippIrrigRate. The applied water is distributed to different vertical layers as a source flow (Wsource) input according to the weight cofficients given in the paramter table:Depth Distribution of Irrigation.
The irrigation has also a position (DripIrrigXCenter) that correspond to the same type of positions of multiple plants (XcenterPos).
(2) IrrigationInput that allow either input simulated by water storage in soil or as driving variable file.
(3) IrrigationUnit gives options for unit in the input driving variable file.
In connection to the new dripp irrigation a new procedure adapted for the energy balance solutions of soil evaporation has also been developed. The procedure allows for a split of soil evaporation into one are affected by the dripp irrigation (DrippIrrigCover) and one are that is not directly influence by the dripp irrigation. The new procedure is put on by using the switch SoilPartitioningArea in the Soil Evaporation model. Differences in soil evaporation will occur because of the input irrigation rate to the uppermost compartment in the soil (Wsource(1)) that governs the virtual moisture balance of the soil surface (surfacemoisturebalance). In addition an optional influence of the radiation balance is considered depending on the position of the dripper in relation to the plantcover.
The soil evaporation is changed to be affected by eventual surface pool on the soil surface. This means that the virtual auxialiary variable surfacemoisturebalance is sensitive to the storage of water in the surface pool.
Introduced new model for spread of salt from road surface by using the SaltRoadStorage switch in the Salt Tracer model. When the SaltRoadStorage switch is on the driving variable should include the amount of salt as chloride that is applied on the road surface (mg/m2). The salt on the road surface is spread by a first order rate model using the parameter EmissionRateCoef. However only a certain fraction (Fraction of Road) is normally reaching the ground. A bug was also deleted that previously had used the erroneous mole weight for chloride in the estimation of the osmotic water potential.