Introduction of model version 3.1 that differs from previous mainly in the calibration procedures. The new version is new compared to the previous in two principal ways :(1) The simulated validation variables are selected from the output list independent if they are also selected as output variables, (2) up to 5 different validation files could be specified. In previous version of the model only output variables that were selected as outputs could be used for validation. In the new version any variable could be selected for validation. In previous version of the model validation variables were found in the standard output file (COUP_XXXXX.BIN) together with the ordinary variables. In present version each validation input file will create a separate validation output file with only the selected validation variables together with correspondent simulated variables (VY_COUP_XXXX.BIN) where Y is the validation file number indicator from 1 to 5.
The calibration results statistics will as previously be stored in the document file (Name_XXXXX.SIM) or for multiple runs also in the container file (Name_XXXXX.MBIN).
The new validation procedure included the previous useful options as (cumulation of original values) but in addition also log transformation of variables have been included.
A major principal difference with the previous calibration, that was made from the data stored in the output file, is that the new procedure allows differences in time resolution from the simulation variables. If the duration of a variable is specified as 0 (minutes) the most adjacent simulated variable will be picked from the dynamic simulation (momentary value). If instead a value of 30 minutes are specified a mean value of the dynamic simulation will be calculated for the duration specified. The Duration could be specified as any number for each validation variable but less than the intervals between the records in the specific validation file.
A new switch Time Serie Outputs in the technical option allows the user to have different type of outputs as the result of the simulation. Default will be both time series and statistics of the selected output variables similar to previous version of model. New options only statics about the selected outputs or no information at all about output variables. The other new switch Validation Outputs allow the user to cancel the creation of the validation output files.