To allow for more efficient overview of multiruns some new features are introduced
1) New output file that includes all residuals between simulated and observed data (only) This file with extension XBin will be place in the subfolder when running a multirun with Validation variables. The switch Time Serie Error File has to be adjusted to be on for creating this file. When using this option all other validation outputs can be put off. This means that the Validation Outputs switch should be put as: Statitics Only.
2) The Acceptance of simulated runs could be adjusted from the extended Validation sheet list that will be displayed after pressing the upper corner left button. By default all runs are considered as accepted and the conditions are the actual min and max of validation measures. The user will enter constrains and by that restrict the group of accepted runs to the new limits given. Note that the updating of accepted run groups will be done after activating a command button on the list.
3) The plotting of individual run could easily be done by clicking a check button on the extended list of accepted runs.
4) The plotting of mean of accepted or mean of all runs are made as before or in the same manner as for the Bayesian calibrations.
5) The posterior parameter distributions could be viewed as before with the accepted identified as different from the prior distributions.
Some other minor bugs have also been corrected.