The Model has been modified to change the source of N for the growth of the microbial biomass from NO3 to NH4 or organic N. A new switch Denitrifier Growth contains options for distribution between mineral N or organic N as a source.
A number of new output variables have been introduced to represent the summation of fluxes or pools from different layers. The new outputs are consumption and production of N between the different steps of reduction and the exchange between the anaerobic pool and the aerobic environment (N Tot N2 internal exchange, N Tot N2O internal exchange, N Tot NO3 internal exchange) . Also the same type of output variables for denitrifier and nitrifier microbial biomass are introduced (NTotDenitMicDeathRate, NTotDenitMicGrowthRate, NTotDenitMicGrowth_NOX, NTotDenitMicrobe)