Output selected for multirun time serie output was not correctly displayed. The updated version should now allow a right click on the variable to get option to select either mean of all runs or mean of accepted runs with corresponding statistics. The results are also saved in a PG-file “YYY_Mean_Accepted_XXXXX.Bin” or “YYY_Mean_All_XXXXX.BIN” In Addition the outputs of individual runs could be selected by making a click in the check box followed by a single left click on the variable name. The later will initially only output the first run on the chart with correspondent window. However, shifting from various runs or adding additional results from others runs are made by clicking
Improved visualization of multirun results from Bayesian calibrations or from GLUE runs makes it easier to identify the accepted runs compared to all runs. Accepted runs are displayed by line representation in normal chart. The accepted values of variables are shown until they are replaced by new accepted values similar as in MCMC chains.