An active plant uptake of trace elements can optionally be chosen in the model (see switch ActiveUptake). This uptake is calculated for the leaf, stem and roots separately, and is a function of the allocation of assimilates to each pool. Thus, active trace element uptake from the mineral pool to the leaf, STEMin→TELeafA, is calculated as:
where Δz is the layer thickness, CTEMin is the concentration of trace elements in the dissolved phase, cAUmax is a maximum concentration parameter, sAUeffL is an efficiency parameter for active uptake to leaves, and Ca→Leaf is the allocation of assimilated carbon to leaves. The CTEMin / cAUmax ratio is never allowed to exceed unity. (See viewing functions Active uptake function and Active uptake leaf function.
The same equation is used analogously to calculate the active uptake to stem, STEMin→TEStemA, and roots, STEMin→TERootsA, by exchanging sAUeffL to sAUeffS or sAUeffR, and Ca→Leaf to Ca→Stem or Ca→Root , respectively.
The total active uptake of trace elements, CTEMin→TEPlantA, is the sum of the active uptake to the leaves, stem and roots.