
This list includes examples of documents where the CoupModel (or SOIL/SOILN model) has been used or where the model is described..


Alavi,G. 1995. Radial stem growth and transpiration of Norway spruce in relation to soil water availability. Communications 95:8, 42 p.

Alavi, G. 1995. Radial stemgrowth of Norway spruce in relation to spatial variation in soil moisture conditions. Scand. J. of Forest Research.

Alavi, G. 2002. The impact of soil moisture on stem growth of spruce forest during a 22-year period. Forest Ecology and Management 166: 17-33

Alavi, G. & Jansson, P.-E. 1995. Transpiration and soil moisture dynamics. for spruce stands of different canopy densities and water availability. In: Nilsson, L-O., Hüttl, R. F., Johansson, U.T. and Mathy, P. (eds). Nutrient Uptake and Cycling in Forest  Ecosystem. Ecosystem research report 21:41-51. Luxemburg, ISBN 92-826-9416-X

Alavi, G., P-E. Jansson, J-E. Hällgren, & Bergholm, J. (2001): Interception of a Dense Spruce Forest, Performance of a Simplified Canopy Water Balance Model. Nordic Hydrology, 32 (4/5): 265-284.

Alvenäs, G. 1994. The interaction between soil moisture and surface conditions. In Persson. R. (ed.) Proceedings of NJF-seminar no 247: Agrohydrology and nutrient balances, October 18-20, 1994, Uppsala, Sweden. p.93. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Division of Agricultural Hydrotechnics, Communications 94:5.

Alvenäs, G., Johnsson, H. & Jansson, P.E. 1986. Meteorological conditions and soil climate of four cropping systems: Measurements and simulations from the project ”Ecology of Arable Andersson, J. 1991. Avdunstning från energiskog. Nödvändig detaljeringsgrad i modellansättningen. Division of Hydrology, Report Series A 52, Uppsala University, Department of Hydrology, 54 pp.

Alvenäs, G & Marstorp, H. 1993. Effect of a ryegrass catch crop on soil inorganic-N content and nitrate leaching. Swedish J.agric Res., 23:3-14.

Alvenäs, G. & Jansson, P.-E. 1997. Model for evaporation, moisture and temperature of bare soil: calibration and sensitivity analysis. Agric. For. Met., 88: 47-56.

Ben-Gal, A., Karlberg, L., Jansson, P-E & Shani, U 2003.. Temporal robustness of linear relationships between production and transpiration. Plant and Soil 251:211-218.

Berggren Kleja, D., Svensson, M.,  Majdi, H., Jansson, P-E,  Langvall, O, Bergkvist, O, Johansson, M-B, Weslien, P.,  Truusb, L., Lindroth, A & Ågren, G.  Pools and fluxes of carbon in three Norway spruce ecosystems along a climatic gradient in Sweden. Biogeochemistry (in press, published online)

Bergström, L. & Jarvis, N. 1991. Prediction of nitrate leaching losses from arable land under different fertilization intensities using the SOIL/SOILN models. Soil Use and Management 7:79-85.

Blombäck, K. 1994. Simulation of grass growth and its influence on soil mineral  nitrogen. NJF-seminar 245. The use of catch or cover crops to reduce leaching and erosion. Ar/Knivsta, Sverige, 3-4 oktober 1994. NJF-utredningar/rapporter no. 99.

Blombäck, K. 1994. Grass growth and its influence on soil mineral nitrogen. A simulation study. In Persson, R. (ed.) Proceedings of NJF-seminar no 247: Agrohydrology and nutrient balances, October 18-20, 1994, Uppsala, Sweden, p.115. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Division of Agricultural Hydrotechnics, Communications 94:5.

Blombäck, K., Stähli, M. and Eckersten, H. 1995. Simulation of water and nitrogen flows and plant growth for a winter wheat stand in central Germany, Ecological Modelling, 81:157-167.

Borg, G. Ch. & Jansson, P-E. 1991. Simulation of moisture and temperature conditions in a clay arable soil, STRIAE, University of Uppsala (in press)

Borg, G. Ch., Andersson, B.I., Hultberg, H. 1995. Modelling the effects of changing climate on the hydrological and thermal properties in soil. In: Global change and Arctic terrestrial ecosystems, Proceedings of Papers Contributed to the International Conference, 21-26 August 1993, Oppdal, Norway, European Commission, DG- X11, Brussels, EUR 15519 EN: 255-261.

Botterweg, P.F. 1988. The SOIL-CREAMS model to simulate soil and chemical losses from agricultural areas. Proceedings of the International Symposium on water quality modeling of argricultural non-point sources. 1988, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, Donn. G. Decoursey (ed). ARS-81

Botterweg, P.F. 1989. The SOIL/CREAMS model used to estimate snowmelt induced erosion, Landschaftsgenese und Landschaftökologie, 16:7-8.

Botterweg, P.F. 1989. Utprovning og tilpassing av stofftapmodeller for landbruksarealer. GEFO rapport, Ås, Norge, 31 pp.

Botterweg, P.F. 1990. The effect of frozen soil on erosion - a model approach. In: Cooley, K.R. (ed.), Proceeding, International Symposium Frozen Soil Impacts on Agricultural, Range and Forest Lands, Spokane, Washington, 21-22 march 1990, CCREL Special Report 90-1, p 135-144

Bouten, W. & Jansson, P-E. 1995. Water balance of the Solling spruce stand as simulated with various forest-soil-atmosphere models. Ecological Modelling, 83: 245-253.

Cooper  G;  McGechan M B; Vinter A J A (1997).  The influence of a changed climate on soil workability and available workdays in Scotland.  J agric. Engng Res, 68, 253-269.


Christiansen, J.R., Elberling, B. & Jansson, P.E. (2006): Modelling water balance and nitrate leaching in temperate Norway spruce and beech forests located on the same soil type with the CoupModel. Forest Ecology and Management 237(1-3), 545-556

Destouni, G. 1991. Applicability of the Steady State Flow Assumption for Solute Advection in Field Soils. Water Resources Research, 27(8), 2129-2140.

Dressie, Z. 1987. Recharge and Soil Water Studies Using different Models and Measurement Methods. PhD thesis, Uppsala Universitet, Avd. f hydrologi, Rep A no 2 and 39

Eckersten, H. & Jansson, P-E. 1991. Modelling water flow, nitrogen uptake and production for wheat. Fertilizer Research 27:313-329.

Eckersten, H., Gärdenäs, A. & Jansson, P-E. 1995. Modelling Seasonal Nitrogen, Carbon, Water and Heat Dynamics of the Solling Spruce Stand. Ecological Modelling, 83: 119-129 .

Espeby, B. 1989. Water flow in a forested till slope. - field studies and physically based modelling. PhD thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Land and Water Resources, Rep. Trita-Kut No. 1052., 33 pp.

Espeby, B. 1992. Coupled simulations of water flow from a field-investigated glacial till slope using a quasi-two-dimensional water and heat model with bypass flow. Journal of Hydrology, 131:105-132.

Grip, H., Halldin, S., Jansson, P-E., Lindroth, A., Noren, B.,Perttu, K. 1979. Discrepancy between energy and water balance estimates of evapotranspiration. - In: S. Halldin (ed.) Comparison of Forest Water and Energy Exchange Models. Society for Ecological Modelling, Copenhagen, 237-255.

Gustafson, A. 1987. Water discharge and Leaching of Nitrate, PhD thesis, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Ekohydrologi 22.

Gustafson, A. 1987. Simulation of water discharge rates from a clay-till soil over a ten year period. Journal of Hydrology,92: 263-274.

Gustafsson, D., Stähli, M. & Jansson, P-E. (2001): The surface energy balance of a snow cover: comparing measurements to two different simulation models Theor. Appl. Climatol., 70, 81-96.

Gustafsson, D., Lewan, E. & Jansson, P-E. (2004): Modeling water and heat balance of the Boreal landscape - comparison of forest and arable land in Scandinavia. Journal of Applied Meteorology 43: 1750-1767.

Gärdenäs, A.I. & Jansson, P-E 1995. Simulated water balance of Scots pine stands in Sweden for different climate change scenarios. Journal of Hydrology, 166: 107-125.

Halldin, S.,Jansson, P-E.,Lundkvist, H. 1979. Ecological effects of long-term soil heat pump use. In: Proc. Nordic Symp. Earth Heat Pump Systems, Suppl. ,14-23. Gothenburg: Chalmers University of Technology

Halldin, S. 1980. SOIL water and heat model. I. Syntheses of physical processes. - Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Abstract of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science 567, 26 pp.

Haugen, L-E., Jansson, P-E., Konovalov, N. & Uhlen G. 1991. Simulation of surface runoff and pipe drainage from a field lysimeter on cultivated soil at Ås, Norway, 1973-81. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.

Jansson, C., Espeby, B., & Jansson, P-E. (2005): Preferential water flow in a glacial till soil. Nordic Hydrology 36(1): 1-11.

Jansson, C., Almkvist, E. &Jansson, P.E. (2006): Heat balance of an asphalt surface: observations and physically-based simulations. Meteorol. Appl. 13, 203–212

Jansson, C., Jansson, P.-E. & Gustafsson, D. (2007): Near surface climate in an urban vegetated park and its surroundings. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 89(3): 185-193

Jansson, P-E. 1980. SOIL water and heat model. II. Field studies and applications. - Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Abstract of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science 568, 26 pp.

Jansson, P-E. 1981. SOIL water and heat model, applied to Möhlin forest. - Proc. from an IUFRO workshop in Birmensdorf, Switzerland, August 1979.12 pp.

Jansson, P-E. 1984. Vattnets passage genom den omättade zonen. i Proceedings från IHP symposium: Vattnet i det terrestra ekosystemet. NFR’s kommitte för hydrologi, Rep. 58:43-54

Jansson, P-E. 1986. The Importance of Soil Properties when Simulating Water Dynamics for an Agricultural Crop-Soil System. Presented at the NHP-seminar on Water in the Unsaturated zone,

Jansson, P-E. 1987. Simulated soil temperature and moisture at a clearcutting in central Sweden. Scand. J. For. Res. 2:127-140

Jansson, P-E. 1987. SOIL water and heat model. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Fakta no. 3, 4 pp.

Jansson, P-E. 1991. SOIL model. User’s manual. Division of Agricultural Hydrotechnics, Communicatins 91:7, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. 69 pp.

Jansson P-E, Cienciala E., Grelle A., Kellner E., Lindahl A. & Lundblad M. 1999. Simulated evapotranspiration from the Norunda forest stand during the growing season of a dry year, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology (98-99)1-4: 621-628

Jansson, P-E. & Gustafson, A. 1987. Simulation of surface runoff and pipe discharge from an agricultural soil in northern Sweden, Nordic Hydrology 18:151-166

Jansson, P-E. & Halldin, S. 1979. Model for the annual water and energy flow in a layered soil. In: S. Halldin (ed.) Comparison of Forest and Energy Exchange Models. Society for Ecological Modelling, Copenhagen, 145-163.

Jansson, P-E. & Halldin, S. 1980. SOIL water and heat model. Technical description. - Swedish Coniferous Forest Project, Tech. Rep. 26, 81 pp. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Jansson, P-E. & Lundin L-C., 1984. Fysikaliska effekter av ytjordvärmeuttag. Simulerade uttag för olika marker och klimat. Byggforskningsrådet R50, 84s.

Jansson, P-E. & Moon, D. 2001. A Coupled model of water, heat and mass transfer using object orientation to improve flexibility and functionality. Environmental Modelling & Software 16(1), 37-46

Jansson, P-E. & Reurslag, A. 1991. Climatic influence on litter decomposition: methods and some results on a NW-European transect. In: Jeffers, J. (ed.) Proceedings from First European Symposium on Terrestrial Ecosystems: Forests and Woodlands, Florence, 20-24 May, 1991.

Jansson, P-E. & Thoms-Hjärpe, C. 1986. Simulated and measured soil water dynamics of unfertilized and fertilized barley. Acta Agric Scand 36:162-172.

Jansson, P-E, Svensson, M, Berggren Kleja, D. & Gustafsson, D. 2007. Simulated climate change impacts on fluxes of carbon in Norway spruce ecosystems along a climatic transect in Sweden. Biogeochemistry (in press, published online)

Johansson, P-O. 1986. Diurnal groundwater level fluctuations in sandy till - A model analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 87:125-134.

Johansson, P-O. 1987a. Estimation of ground water recharge in sandy till with two different methods using groundwater level fluctuations. Journal of Hydrology, 90:183-198.

Johansson, P-O. 1987b. Methods for estimation of direct natural groundwater recharge in humid climates - with examples from sandy till aquifers in southeastern Sweden. PhD thesis, KTH, Trita-Kut 1045.

Johnsson, H. & Jansson, P-E., 1991. Water balance and soil moisture dynamics of field plots with barley and grass ley. Journal of Hydrology, 129:149-173.

Johnsson, H. & Lundin, L-C. 1991. Surface runoff and soil water percolation as affected by snow and soil frost. Journal of Hydrology, 122:141-159.

Karlberg, L., Ben-Gal, A., Jansson, P-E. & Shani, U., 2006: Modelling transpiration and growth in salinity-stressed tomato under different climatic conditions. Ecological Modelling 190 (1-2): 15-40.

Karlberg, L., Gustafsson, D. & Jansson, P.E. (2007): Modeling Carbon Turnover in Five Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Boreal Zone Using Multiple Criteria of Acceptance. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 35(8), 448-458.

Karlberg, L., Jansson, P.-E. &  Gustafsson, D. (2007): Model-based evaluation of low-cost drip-irrigation systems and management strategies using saline water. Irrigation Science, 25(4): 387-399

Klemedtsson, L,  Jansson, P-E, Gustafsson, D., Karlberg, L.Weslien, P.,von Arnold, K., Ernfors, M. ,Langvall, O., & Lindroth, A. 2007. Bayesian calibration method used to elucidate carbon turnover in forest on drained organic soil. Biogeochemistry (online)

Kätterer, T., Andrén, O. & Jansson, P.E. (2006): Pedotransfer functions for estimating plant available water and bulk density in Swedish agricultural soils. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavia Section B - Soil and Plant Science 56, 263-276

Kätterer, T. & Andren, O. 1995 Measurements and simulations of heat and water balance components in a clay soil cropped with winter wheat under drought stress or daily irrigation and fertilization. Irrigation Science, 16:65-73.

Lee, Y.H., Hultberg, H., Svedrup, H. & G. Ch. Borg, 1995. Are ion exchange processes important in controlling the cation chemistry of soil- and runoff waters? Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 1819-1824.

Lewan, E. 1993. Evaporation and discharge from arable land with cropped or bare soil during winter. Measurements and simulations. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 64:131-159.

Lewan, E. 1994. Effects of a catch crop on leaching of nitrogen from a sandy soil: Simulations and measurements. Plant and Soil, 166:137-152.

Lewan, L. 1996. Evaporation, Discharge and Nitrogen Leaching from a Sandy Soil in Sweden. Simulations and Measurements at Different Scales in Space and Time. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Soil Sciences.  Reports and Dissertations 27, 27p. + 4 papers

Lewis D R; McGechan M B (1999).  Watercourse pollution due to surface runoff following slurry spreading. Part 1, Calibration of the soil water simulation model SOIL for fields prone to surface runoff. J agric. Engng Res, 72, 275-290

Lewis D R; McGechan M B; McTAGGART I (2003).  Simulating field-scale nitrogen management scenarios involving fertiliser and slurry applications.  Agric. Systems, 76, 159-180

Lundin, L-C. 1985. Simulated physical effects of shallow soil heat extraction. Cold Reg. Sci. Tech. 11:45-61.

Lundin, L-C. 1989. Water and heat flows in frozen soils. Basic theory and operational modeling. Acta Univ. Ups., Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science 186. 50 pp. Uppsala

Lundin, L-C. 1990. Hydraulic properties in an operational model of frozen soil. Journal of Hydrology 118:289-310.

Lundin, L-C. 1990. Simulating the freezing and thawing of arable land in Sweden, In: Cooley, K.R. (ed.), Proceeding, International Symposium Frozen Soil Impacts on Agricultural, Range and Forest Lands, Spokane, Washington, 21-22 march 1990, CCREL Special Report 90-1, p 87-98

Lundin, L-C. & Johnsson, H. 1990. Modelling infiltration of snow melt water into frozen soils, In: Sigurdsson, G. (ed.), Nordic Hydrological Conference 1990. Nordisk NHP-rapport nr 26, Norrköping, pp. 53-62.

McGechan, M. 1994. A model of the economics and environmental impacts of alternative animal waste management systems.  Proc. International Conefencenc AGENG 94, Milan, 29-31 August, 1088-1095.

McGechan, M. & Cooper, G. Workdays for winter field operations.  The Agricultural Engineer, 1994, 49: 6-13.

McGechan, M.B., Graham, R., Vinten, A.J.A., Douglas, J.T. and Hooda, P.S., 1997. Parameter selection and testing the soil water simulation model SOIL. Journal of Hydrology 195: 312-344.

McGechan M B; Lewis D R; Wu L; McTaggartip  (2001)  Modeling the effects of manure and fertilizer management options on soil nitrogen processes. Chapter 13 in ‘Modeling carbon and nitrogen dynamics for soil management’ (ed Shaffer M J; Ma L; Hansen S), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, pp427-460


McGechan, M.B. and Wu, L., 1998. Environmental and economic implications of some slurry management options.   Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research,  71, 273-283.

McGechan M B; WU L  (2001)  A review of carbon and nitrogen processes in European soil nitrogen dynamics models. Chapter 5 in ‘Modeling carbon and nitrogen dynamics for soil management’ (ed Shaffer M J; Ma L; Hansen S), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, pp103-171.  (Refereed book chapter)


McGechan M B  (2003)  Modelling contamination of field drainage water by ammonium following slurry spreading. Biosystems Engineering, 85, 111-120.


Nordén, L.G. 1989. Water use by Norway spruce - a study of two stands using field measurements and soil water modelling. PhD thesis, Dept. of Forest Site Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 43 pp.

Persson, G & Lindroth, A. 1994. Simulating evaporation from short-rotation forest: variations within and between seasons. Journal of Hydrology 156: 21-45

Persson, G. 1995. Water balance of willow Stands in Sweden. Field Studies and Model Applications. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Soil Sciences. Reports and Dissertations 20, 27p. + 5 papers

Persson, G. & Jansson, P-E. 1989. Simulated water balance of a willow stand on a clay soil. In: Simulation of Growth and Profitability of a Willow Energy Forest, Kowalik, P. & Perttu, K. (eds), Wageningen, pp. 147-162.

Ragab, R,   Coopers,, D.M.,  Harris, G.L.&. Catt J.A. 1996 Simulating nitrate leaching under winter wheat grown on a structured clay soil considering bypass flow Journal of Hydrology182,  157-173

Rockström J., Jansson P-E., Barron J. 1998. Seasonal rainfall partitioning under runon and runoff conditions on sandy soil in Niger. On-farm measurements and water balance modelling, Journal of Hydrology (210)1-4, pp. 68-92

Schelde, K., Thomsen, A., Heidmann, T, Schjønning, P & Jansson, P-E. 1998. Diurnal fluctuations of water and heat flows in a bare soil. Water Resources Research 34: 2919-2929.

Seip, K.L. & Botterweg, P.F. 1988. User’s experiences and the predictive power of sediment yield and surface runoff models. Proceedings of the International Symposium on watr quality modeling of argricultural non-point sources. 1988, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, Donn. G. Decoursey (ed). ARS-81, pp-205-224.

Stadler, D, Flühler, H., Jansson, P-E. 1997. Modelling vertical and lateral water flow in frozen and sloped forest soil plots. Cold Region Science and Technology 26: 181-194.

Stähli, M., Jansson, P.-E. & Lundin, L.-C. 1995. Preferential water flow in partly frozen soil - a two-domain model approach, in: Krauss, T.W. & Carroll, T.R. International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology, Summary Report and Proceedings, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 22-26 May 1995, IGPO Publication Series No.15.

Stähli, M., Jansson, P-E. and Lundin, L-C. 1996. 'Preferential water flow in a frozen soil - a two-domain model approach', Hydrological Processes, 10:1305-1316.

Stähli, M. & Jansson, P.-E. 1998. 'Test of two SVAT snow submodels during different winter conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 92:29-41.

Stähli, M., Jansson, P.-E. & Lundin, L.-C. 1999. Soil moisture redistribution and infiltration in frozen sandy soils. Water Resources Research, 35 (1): 95-103.

Stähli, M., Nyberg, L., Mellander, P-E., Jansson, P-E & Bishop, K. 2001. Soil frost effects on soil and runoff dynamics along a boreal transect: 2. Simulations. Hydrological Processes, 15: 927-941

Svensson, M., Jansson, P-E & Kleja Berggren, D. 2007. Modelling soil C sequestration in spruce forest ecosystems along a Swedish transect based on current conditions. Biogeochemistry (in press, published online)

Troedsson, T., Jansson, P-E., Lundkvist, H., Lundin, L., Svensson, R. 1982. Ekologiska effekter av ytjordvärmeuttag. Markkemi, markfysik, markbiologi, markhydrologi och växtodling. Byggforskningsrådet ,Stockholm, 76 pp.

Thunholm, B., Lundin, L-C., Lindell, S. 1989. Infiltration into a frozen heavy clay soil. Nordic Hydrology, 20: 153-166.

Thunholm, B. 1990. Temperature and Freezing in Agricultural Soils as Realted to Soil Properties and Boundary Conditions. PhD Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept of Soil Sciences, Reports and Dissertations: 7, 26 p.

Thunholm, B. 1990. A comparison of measured and simulated soil temperature using air temperature and soil surface energy balance as boundary conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 53:59-72.

Thunholm, B. & Lundin, L-C. 1990. Infiltration into a seasonally frozen soil, In: Cooley, K.R. (ed.), Proceeding, International Symposium Frozen Soil Impacts on Agricultural, Range and Forest Lands, Spokane, Washington, 21-22 march 1990, CCREL Special Report 90-1, p 156-160

Wu, L. and  McGechan, M.B., 1998a. A review of carbon and nitrogen processes in four soil nitrogen dynamics models.  Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 69, 279-305 .

Wu, L., McGechan, M.B., Lewis, D.R., Hooda, P.S. and Vinten, A.J.A., 1998. Parameter selection and testing the soil nitrogen dynamics model SOILN. Soil Use and Management.14.170-181.

Wu, L. and  McGechan, M.B., 1998b. Simulation of biomass, carbon and nitrogen accumulation in grass to link with a soil nitrogen dynamics model. Grass and Forage Science ,52, 445-448).

Zhang, S., Lövdahl, L., Grip, H., Jansson, P.E., Tong, Y. (2007): Modelling the effects of mulching and fallow cropping on water balance in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Soil and Tillage Research 93(2), 283-298