The normal procedure for construction of input and validation file will be to follow the menus from the PG file tab in the main grid menu. Below you will find details on how to make use of the DOS program to make the same operations. The DOS program is more complicated but may be useful if you have some special format or very big file that does not fit into the clipboard when copying data from other programmes as MS excel.
The DOS program PG is automatically downloaded together with the CoupModel.
To get PG to work on your computer you need to specify the path to the program. This is done in the Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables. In the “system variables” list, find PATH, and enter the path to the CoupModel/Exe cathalogue.
Preparing your data in your
data handling program - Time specification
Importing the data in the PG programme
Selecting driving and validation data
files in the CoupModel