Frost heave is optionally accounted for (see switch FrostSwelling) in a simplistic way provided that frost interaction has been chosen. A soil compartment will heave if the total volume of ice and unfrozen water exceeds the porosity of the soil in one layer.
During a situation when the soil tends to swell, the thickness of a compartment is calculated as:
where ∆z* is the orginal thickness of the layer, fl ,fi and fs is the volumetric fractions of liquid water, ice and solids respectively, as calculated from the original thickness of the layer. The pms coefficient represents the parameter that corresponds to the maximal allowed swelling.
During shrinking the correspondent compartment size is calculated as:
where ∆zt-1 is the compartment size for the previous time step and prf is the maximal shrinking rate parameter. See viewing function Shrinkage Function.