At harvest some carbon will be harvested
and removed from the system. The amounts of carbon that are removed from the
leaf pool is calculated as:
where fleafharvest is a parameter. Harvest from the grain, stem and root carbon pools is calculated analogously by exchanging fleafharvest with fgrainharvest, fstemharvest and frootharvest respectively. These parameters are also used to calculate the harvest fractions from the old stem, leaves and roots in perennials.
At harvest it is possible that some parts of the plant will be removed from the plant, but left on the field as litter. These litter flows are calculated as:
where fleaflittharv is a parameter. Similar flows are calculated for grain, stem and roots by exchanging fleaflittharv to fgrainlittharv, fstemlittharv and frootlittharv respectively.
Note that it is possible to leave carbon in the plant after harvest. Unless the field is ploughed after harvest or the plant maximum life is equal to one, carbon will remain in the plant to the following growing season i.e. the plant is a perennial.