Response functions for temperature

Response functions for temperature, f(T), affects processes such as decomposition rate and denitrification. Usually there are several response functions for temperature to choose between, i.e. by switches in different sections of this chapter. Of these options three are standard response functions and the fourth is a general option called “common”. “Common” it self is not a temperature response function. Choosing common means that one of four standard temperature response functions automatically will be used. This choice between the four possible alternatives is made by the switch Temp Response in this section.

The idea behind the option “Common” is that if this option is consequently chosen, it will be easier to remember how all temperature dependent processes respond to temperature responses and the amount of decisions will be fewer. The second reason why a standard temperature response function always has to be chosen is that there are a few processes that always rely on this response function (i.e. the common temperature response function is automatically called for from some processes).


"Q10 threshold" and "Q10 whole range"

"Q 10 threshold" only

"O'Neill function"

"Ratkowsky function"