Ploughing and surface cultivation can optionally be applied to a soil (see switches “Deep ploughing and Surface cultivation). When these events occur (parameters ms,day and mp,day ) the surface litter is allocated to the litter pool(s) (and humus pool if microbes are explicitly simulated) down to a certain depth determined by the parameters, ms,dep and mp,dep, for surface cultivation and deep ploughing respectively. The fractions of the surface litter going to the different pools is calculated by multiplying the carbon and nitrogen content in the surface litter pool with a ratio for each soil organic pool. These ratios are of cause depending on the number of receiving pools:
1. Microbes are implicit → only
one litter pool:
2. Microbes are explicit and only one litter
pool is simulated:
3. Microbes are explicit and two litter pools
are simulated:
where ll1, ll2 and lh are parameters described in the section Soil Organic Processes.
At ploughing not only the surface litter but also the carbon and nitrogen in the root pool is allocated to litter pool 1 and uniformly distributed in the soil profile.