Bug at Harvest and/or Ploughing Events

New Development related to representation of Litter from Plants introduced in April 2024 has created problems with mass balance and resulted in enhanced deliver of residuals to the soil. The Bug is now deleted. The bug was visible as an error on the output variable Nitrogen BalanceCheck and Carbon BalanceCheck. Also the corresponding variables Plant N balanceCheck and Soil N balanceCheck indicated the same bug. The size of the error made was related to the time step settings (Number of Iterations per day and NC Iterations). Please update and check your previous simulation with the new version for September 9 if you have been included harvest and ploughing actions in your simulation.

The new version with deleted bug has also some new variables with an intermediate step between plant and soil from litter fall to soil formation. This intermediate step is using variables in Soil organic processes: C Surface Litter1, C Surface Litter2, N Surface Litter1 and NSurface Litter2 to represent litter on the surface For dead roots in the soil the corresponding state variables are named L1 C Dead Plant Residual(x), L2 C Dead Plant Residual(x), L1 N Dead Plant Residual(x) and L2 N Dead Plant Residual(x) where x is the number for the soil compartment.

Note that the intermediate variable is an aggregation from different plants and each plant are independent with various possible dynamics and split of the plant residuals into qualities and layers.

To represent the total amount of litterfall from plant during a simulation AccPlantLitterC is created with also a split into above and below ground components (AccAboveLitter and AccBelowLitter). A corresponding summation for the flux into the soil is named AccCarbonFormation and AccNitrogenFormation. The intermediate storage has a fixed mixing rate coefficient of 0.1 per day.

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