New Upper Limit for Albedo of Snow
The parameter AlbSnowMin has been assigned with a new upper value of 70 instead of previous 60. The high value is expected to work fine for very clean sites…
The parameter AlbSnowMin has been assigned with a new upper value of 70 instead of previous 60. The high value is expected to work fine for very clean sites…
An update that ensure that the drain level as defined in a forcing file is within the boundaries of the soil surface and the bottom of the profile is implemented. However, I strongly recommend to […]
The option to use SweClim Climate Change Scenarious from 2003 to make delta changes of temperature and percentage change of precipitation for 6 regions of Sweden is now in operation.
The 3 rd type of Dependent variables that can now be easily compared with any measured data from a flexible text file corresponds to the simulated outputs from the Multi Time Serie selection of a […]
A next step in developing tools for evaluation of distributed MultiRuns representing regions have been made. The most important step is that one more option of not only looking to the performance between simulated and […]
A bug that resulted in missing match in case of a simulated period was only a subperiod of the validation file period. The missing maching resulted in no validation when a duration of the simulated […]
I new problem caused problem with recent new version of also making correct harvesting introduced by was discovered. The bug made used the wrong integration time step for the nitrogen and carbon when the number […]
A number of bugs have been deleted related to design of charts for Multi runs of simulation. Error in shifting of ChartTypes – Time Serie, scatter and contour charts Note that when selecting new independent […]
A bug that made the match between simulated time and time in the validation file impossible when starting simulation long prior the validation time points is corrected. Another problem with MSimCoup2 that created invidual Sim […]
The new version (5.2.7) includes deleted bugs that have caused various problems. (1) Snow-Soil Interface may have been systematic overestimated because of problems with the iterative energy-balance solution of the snow with the soil surface […]