New Forum for CoupModel users
Today a new forum for discussion and communication among users of the CoupModel, has been created by Wenxin Zhang. Anyone is invited to make use of that forum that should be great for reporting […]
Today a new forum for discussion and communication among users of the CoupModel, has been created by Wenxin Zhang. Anyone is invited to make use of that forum that should be great for reporting […]
New Version 6.1.3 – New Calibration Method The new version includes a new option for calibration, based on the traditional Nelder Mead optimisation method. This method is mainly used to obtain the best parameter values […]
This procedure is based on using more than 2 dimension of a Multirun where the first dimension is used to specify the site specific parameters and the second is used to specify those parameters that […]
The salinity stress may affect the plant growth in various ways. Indirectly by reduced water uptake and from the water uptake a direct waters stress on the photosynthesis. However a direct impact by salinity stress […]
The water uptake as controlled by pressure head may be linked options for drip irrigation using a parameter named DripScaleWupt. This parameter with the default value of 2 is a scaling option to change the […]
The interception storage and process was mixed up between canopies in version from March 2019. The lowest layers of canopies was disregarded in the scheeme below: However, the evaporation rate from the lower layers was […]
Truncation was sometime made in the converstion from a double to and integer type that caused error for how the depth horizons was displayed in the output files. The error could be visible when an […]
A bug was deleted that caused problem with imported data from more than one csv-file.
The N fertigation is the combination of Irrigation and external input functions. When used combined with drip irrigation the N input should be distributed to different horisons in the soil and also using the concentration […]
The aerodynamic resistance and many other functions have recently been implemented for view during the preparation of runs. In connection to this revision a bug was created by March 13th. The bug was mixing the […]