New options to define font size – User Setup
The font size for the grid cell are now sensitive to the screen resolution. When more than 1000 points are identifed in the vertical direction a larger default font is now applied with 22 points […]
The font size for the grid cell are now sensitive to the screen resolution. When more than 1000 points are identifed in the vertical direction a larger default font is now applied with 22 points […]
As part of a PhD course at Gothenburg University lead by Dr. Åsa Kasimir an introduction to greenhouse gas emissions was made and the guideline with complementary material are now avaiable as tutorial of the […]
The new version is now including optional outputs to compare the global warming potential of greenhouse gas emissions using the conversion factor for CO2 equivalents. The recent factors are based on IPCC recommendation with 28 […]
MultiRuns with the CoupModel are mostly linked with some type of uncertainty based method to constrain the model outputs based on the agreement between one or more model outputs with corresponding measurements. This is done […]
The new Response Light Variable is defined as the Light intercepted by the Plant devided by the Global Radiation. The new response variable may be useful to illustrate the competion between different plants. In the […]
The Output Variable list can be viewed by both used selected sorting by Type Module Process/Element Variable Name The sort will be made the highest level based on the latest single click on the header […]
The naming convention of some plant variables and parameters have been adjusted. Previous names/New Name C CRoots/ C CoarseRoot N CRoots/ N CoarseRoot Old Documents will be convert from old names to new automatically when […]
Some bugs has been deleted related to the new feature of MultiSite Calibrations using a GLUE or Bayesian approach. Please download latest version from today. Most important new feature is that the data can now […]
Normally a calibration using Multirun options are made using New candidates of parameter values for each run. However, in case of trying to find common parameter values for various runs as represented by a deterministic […]
A new parameter called : HeatConversionCoef is defined to estimate the heat source of each soil layer that corresponds to the decomposition of Litter, Litter2 and Humus of each soil layer. The default value is […]