10-03-03 New visualizations features


The visualization has now been extended for time serie outputs so animations can be done easily from the dialog window that is attached to time serie charts.


A click on the animation button is creating a moving window of the shart. The Window size is the size that i determined by the zoom in function, that should be defined prior the animation starts. The Animation could be stoped or restarted by the repeated clicking on the button. Also note that the resolution (step length) and the speed of updating the window could be modified for you purpose, prior or during the animation process (two combo box button). By default the animation is not producing any output files, however if pressig Save to file button a series of files (png) will be created. Note that a very high number of file are generated if you have small step lengths and this files could be used to create flash animation by popular softwares.


Another new feature that is updated is the New Run (last) and New Run (all) commands that are operating on multi run time serie outputs files only. By using using these commands together with also new Curve command your can move between different variables and different runs.