10-06-19 New Improved flexible plotting

A major shift have been made in the construction of graphics from CoupModel.


Firstly an option exist already from the entry level when viewing a list of time series in any table within the CoupModel.


For all time serie variable one additional column will give info on Subchart no. By default the number will be 1 and this corresponds to the previous version of the model.


However, by right click options to add more subcharts will be provided, either in the vertical or in the horizontal direction. When making a click in the checkbox we direct selected variables to different subcharts. Change of the subchart no will be made by click on the column directly right of the checkbox. The number will be cycled over then number of subcharts that have been defined.


In this way any number of variables could be directed into a series of subcharts.


Second but equal import.

The layout of the subcharts and the design of the graphics will be flexible by one additional window that can be open by a the "Redesign Chart" button. Note that this window will allow you to modify settings for general aspects, the axis and for the individual variables. The grids with information on present default values can edited by either changing specific numbers, selecting by various provided options or entering any specific text strings. Note that to apply the new setting a creating a new modified chart requires and update. This can be done by an option by the right click method or by a single click on the upper right corner button.


Most charts should normally be created automatically without manual setting. Some new parameters are very important for how to create a good first suggestion.


Note the Tick X size and Tick Y size.


Like all other size related features they are specified in points and represent the minimum distance between ticks on the respectively axis. Make you choice combined with the Font size for scale on axis.


The information is shown in a small window in the ordinary dialog window to the right of the created charts or in the opened separate window. Please note that window open after the Redesign button in clicked need to be closed (OK) button to enable other continuous use of the options above the redesign chart button.


Other interesting options are the color setting also for legend box and for error bands i the charts. Note that colors can be specified with various transparency .


I hope you will enjoy working with the new version and please let me know about any new bugs. I am sure that are some left !!