10-06-02 New flexibility to govern graphic outputs

The new approach with more flexible graphic outputs have been further developed and

a number of bugs (minor and major) have been deleted since the first version was introduced

Maj 19.


One major new feature is that you can more easily compare different runs by keeping more than

one document open. Right click prior making selection of variables for plotting allow you to link all

the open documents together. This means that the variable selected from the current open document

will also be selected for the other open document.


Another major improvement is that most of the attributes and characteristics of a chart can be

modified after it has been created. After clicking Redesign chart you will have options to modifiy

General features, Axis, Variable and parameters for govening Frequency Distribution plots.


Please let me have your comments. The vision is that it should be possible to create charts that

could be clear and useful both for typical powerpoint presentations but also for normal scientifc

formats in journals