Only convection is considered by the model i.e. dispersion/diffusion is not accounted for. Thus the salt transport in the soil is calculated as:
where qmat is the matrix water flow, qbypass is the bypass water flow in the macro pores and cCldep is a parameter. If the flow of water is directed upwards there is no bypass flow and consequently the second term in eq. (2.53) is neglected.
The soil salt concentration, CCl(z), can be estimated by dividing the salt storage, SCl(z), with the soil water content in each layer. However, if some of the salts are adsorbed to particles in the soil (see switch Adsorption), soil salt concentration, CCl(z), is instead calculated as:
where sadc is an adsorption parameter that can vary with depth, θ is the soil water content and Δz is the layer thickness (see viewing function Adsorption function).